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1 . Concerns with aluminum cookware come from the fact that measurable amounts of aluminum can migrate from the pot into the food. Several research studies have confirmed migration of aluminum from conventional aluminum cookware at a level of concern for our health. Aluminum is included in the 2007 list of top priority toxins in the United States (a list put out every year by the Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry), and aluminum has been clearly identified as a toxin for the human nervous system (neurotoxicity), immune system (immunotoxicity), and genetic system (genotoxicity).
Anodization is a process in which chemical baths are used to prepare the surface of aluminum to receive an electrical charge that will increase the thickness of the oxide layer and make it harder, more durable, and less likely to corrode. Anodized aluminum is definitely less reactive than non-anodized aluminum and will leach less aluminum as a result, provided that the surface has not been damaged. Although it is more difficult to damage the surface of anodized versus non-anodized aluminum, its surface can still be damaged.
2 . aluminium is less reactive metal . although oxygen of air attacks Aluminium and iron both but Al does not get rusted . besides this Al is the lightest metal so Al is considered for a no. of purposes like making aeroplane wings , different utensils , windows , foil for food preservation etc
3. reduction property of aluminium is used in thermite welding for joining the broken pieces of heavy iron objects like girders, railway tracks or cracked machine parts.
4 . A popular use of foil is to cover thinner sections of poultry and meat to prevent overcooking. The USDA also provides recommendations on limited uses of aluminum foil in microwave ovens. Insulation: Aluminum foil is 88 percent reflective and is widely used for thermal insulation, heat exchanges and cable liner