English, asked by aarushchoudhary59, 6 months ago

solve this fast it's urgent​



Answered by anamay200


Any two circles with the same radius are congruent− if one circle is moved so that its centre ... The interval joining O and the midpoint of the chord AB. ... ABC be right-angled at C, and let M be the midpoint ofwhat will be the last two digits of the given expression 103*1298*13702*1197] {x}^{4} - 5 {x}^{3} + 2 {x}^{2} + 10x - 8[/tex]

if it is given that two of its zeros are

 - \sqrt{2} \: and \: - \sqrt{2}

It can be concluded from the formula that R is inversely proportional to both kinetic and potential energies, hence as hydrogen atom moves from ground to excited state the nuclear radius increases thus both K.E. and P.E. decreasesWhen hydrogen atom is raised from ground state to excited state, a) both KE and PE increase b) both KE and PE decrease c) PE decrease and KE increase d) PE increase and KE decreaseFind zeroes of quadratic polynomial root5xsquare-7x-6root5 and ... the relationship between zeroes and coefficients \sqrt{5x { }^{2} } - 7x - 6 \ .


Answered by renjithsonukrishna


1)option a..


i hope u understand

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