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It's a 7 letter word.
1. First 2 letters indicate boy.
2. First 3 letters indicate girl.
3. First 4 letters indicate boy.
4. The Whole Word indicate girl.
The first two letters are 'HE' which indicates a boy.
Adding 'R' with 'HE' we get 'HER' which indicates a girl.
Again taking the first four letters, we get 'HERO', which indicates a boy.
However the whole word 'HEROINE' indicates a girl.
The answer is HEROINE.
Explanation :
Assumption - 1 : First 2 letters indicate boy.
In the word Heroine, the first two letters indicates a boy. Yes ! He is a pronoun used instead of a name of boy.
Ex : He is riding a bike.
Assumption - 2 : First 3 letters indicate girl.
In the word Heroine, the first three letters indicates a girl. As, She is a pronoun used instead of a name of girl.
Ex : She is sleeping.
Assumption - 3 : First 4 letters indicate boy.
In the word Heroine, the first four letters indicates a boy again. As, the word Hero is used to describe a male actor.
Assumption - 4 : The Whole Word indicate girl.
The word Heroine indicates a girl. As, the word Heroine is used to describe a female actress.