Solve this problem - One of your classmates was pushed by a senior on the sport field. This senior is known to bully juniors. With your partner discuss this problem and decide what you can do about it.
In a Boys’ School, it is quite common to find the physically stronger dominating the weaker boys. Over the years, as I have grown up, I have both been a victim as well as seen other weaker boys being literally pushed around by the bullies. One such incidence occurred on our main sports field not too long ago. My classmate, Rohan, was pushed by Mahesh, a boy two classes above ours. The latter is a known bully and we needed to handle the matter sensibly to put an end to his uncivil ways. I discussed the issue with Mohan, my best friend in class.
The conversation went thus –
Me: Mohan, did you notice how Rohan was pushed by Mahesh, on our main sports field this afternoon?
Mohan: He has always been a bully with the younger boys and something needs to be done about this.
Me: I think, we need to bring the matter to the Principal’s notice.
Mohan: May be that is the way to go, Bimal, but have you thought of the consequences?
Me: Not really. But, unless exemplary punishment is meted out to Mahesh, there’ll be others to suffer from his wayward behaviour in the future. If we don’t complain, neither will he change nor will others learn not to do this kind of thing in the future.
Mohan: I feel we should first discuss this issue with Rohan and the boys in our class, especially those that were around at the time of the incident.
Me: Let’s do that then. But, we must take remedial steps after that or things could go out of hand as we go along. I agree a collective decision will strengthen our case.