1. A are the three ear ossicles named malleus (hammer shaped ) ,incus (anvil shaped) and stapes (stirrup shaped) .They transmit and amplify vibrations from tympanic membrane to oval window
2. B is eustachian tube which opens in pharynx and equilizes air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane
3. It is vestibulocochlear nerve which is concerned to both balancing and hearing .There are two special organs named vestibular apparatus and cochlea which help the nerve function properly.
vestibular apparatus contains three semicircular canal .The vestibular apparatus carries receptors for acceleration , postural change,and change of orientation
Cochlea contains membranes that transmit vibrations to the spiral organ (organ of coti) the main organ of hearing
4. In bony part of auditory canal , ceruminous glands are present which produce ear wax called cerumin .This wax makes ear drum or tympanum smooth ,and water proof and adhere dust to protect ear drum from the bacteria present in dust