English, asked by satendranegi76, 4 months ago

Soma lives in a metropolitan city. Her younger brother decided to spend his holidays with

her. She recounts her worries and concern as he would often lose his way in the city.
following passage was written by her in a hurry and is full of errors.
Underline the errors and

write the answers in the space provided.
The first one has been done for you.

When this younger brother did not return in the my

evening I got worried when he was new in the city. a)

He often forgets the road marks to gets lost. b)

Heremembered the house number but forgets the c)

street and failed toreaching d)

home. He has yet for learn e)

the art for living in big cities. f)​


Answered by chetanmaruti222


yejwfwjbe is not the first or the morning of the morning to the iam not this answer

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