Biology, asked by kushal4941, 2 months ago

Some bacteria are mixed with milk to make yogurt. These bacteria change the lactose in the milk into glucose, which then ferments into lactic acid. The lactic acid causes the protein in the milk to stick
together, creating the gelatinous yogurt. The adjacent graph shows the relative lactic acid
production of different bacteria.
Which of these is a logical conclusion based on the given data
a) Bacterium 2 makes glucose but not lactic acid
and, therefore, should not be used in making yogurt
b) Bacterium 3 is least effective at changing lactic acid into glucose and, therefore, should not be used
in making yogurt.
c) Bacteria 1 & 2 combine to make the largest amount of lactic acid and, therefore, would be most effective at making yogurt.
d)Bacteria 1 & 3 combine to be most effective at breaking down the glucose needed to
make yogurt.


Answered by vashur1267


Curds or yogurt are dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Bacteria that is used for this purpose is Lactobacillus. This is a kind of bacteria which can convert a sugar into an acid by means of fermentation


Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are members of an heterogenous group of bacteria which plays a significant role in a variety of fermentation processes. The general description of the bacteria included in the group is gram-positive, non-sporing, non-respiring cocci or rods. An overview of the genetics of lactococci, Streptococcus thermophilus, lactobacilli, pediococci, leuconostocs, enterococci and oenococciis presented with special reference to their metabolic traits. The three main pathways in which LAB are involved in the manufacture of fermented foods and the development of their flavour, are (a) glycolysis (fermentation of sugars), (b) lipolysis (degradation of fat) and (c) proteolysis (degradation of proteins). Although the major metabolic action is the production of lactic acid from the fermentation of carbohydrates, that is, the acidification of the food, LAB are involved in the production of many beneficial compounds such as organic acids, polyols, exopolysaccharides and antimicrobial compounds, and thus have a great number of applications in the food industry (i.e. starter cultures). With the advances in the genetics, molecular biology, physiology, and biochemistry and the reveal and publication of the complete genome sequence of a great number of LAB, new insights and applications for these bacteria have appeared and a variety of commercial starter, functional, bio-protective and probiotic cultures with desirable properties have marketed.

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