some branches of grapevines are modified into tendrils
In Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera) the main stem is sympodial due to scorpioid type of uniparous cymose branching. The terminal buds of the successive branches which are pushed to one side develop into tendrils, ADVERTISEMENTS: (d) Floral Bud or Inflorescence Tendrils, e.g., Antigonon, Cardiospermum (Balloon Vine)
In Grape Vine (Vitis vinifera) the main stem is sympodial due to scorpioid type of uniparous cymose branching. The terminal buds of the successive branches which are pushed to one side develop into tendrils, ADVERTISEMENTS: (d) Floral Bud or Inflorescence Tendrils, e.g., Antigonon, Cardiospermum (Balloon Vine)
Tendril, in botany, plant organ specialized to anchor and support vining stems. Tendrils may be modified leaves, leaflets, leaf tips, or leaf stipules; they may, however, be derived as modified stem branches (e.g., grapes).
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