some commands for q basic
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The commands for q basic are :- LET , PRINT , INPUT, CLS , END and REM . These are some commands for q basic.
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N = ABS(expression returning a numerical value) Returns the 'absolute' value of the expression, turning a negative to a positive (e.g. -4 to 4)PRINT ABS(54.345) 'This will print the value ABS now as it is (54.345) PRINT ABS(-43) 'This will print the value as (43) ACCESSOPEN "file.txt" FOR APPEND ACCESS WRITE This sets the access of a file that has been declared into the program. There are three settings that the programmer can set. These are:READ - Sets up the file to be read only, no writing. WRITE - Writes only to the file. Cannot be read. READ WRITE - Sets the file to both of the settings above. APPEND means 'add' to the 'end of' the existing "file.txt". If omitted, any existing "file.txt" is over-written without warningASC()PRINT ASC("t") 'Will print 116 Prints the ASCII code number of the character found within the brackets. If the programmer put in a string into brackets, only the first character of the string will be shown.ATN()ATN(expression) Part of the inbuilt trigonometry functions. An expression that evaluates to a numeric vale is converted to it's Arc-Tangent.angle = ATN( B ) angle2 = ATN( 23 / 34 ) BEEPBEEP The BIOS on the motherboard is instructed to emit a "Beep" sound from the PC 'speaker'. See also SOUND and PLAY.CASESELECT CASE [variable] CASE [value]: [command] CASE ELSE: [command] END SELECT Use this when using multiple values in your program and assigning them separate paths. This is an example of a program with no CASE commands that assigns different paths to values:10 PRINT "1. Print 'path'" PRINT "2. Print 'hello" PRINT "3. Quit" INPUT "Enter a choice: "; a$ IF a$ = "1" THEN PRINT "path" GOTO 10 IF a$ = "2" THEN PRINT "hello" GOTO 10 IF a$ = "3" THEN END PRINT "That is not a valid choice" GOTO 10 This is what a program looks like with the CASE command:PRINT "1. Print 'path'" PRINT "2. Print 'Hello'" PRINT "3. Quit" INPUT "Enter a choice: "; a$ SELECT CASE a$ CASE "1": PRINT "path" CASE "2": PRINT "Hello" CASE "3": END CASE ELSE: PRINT "That is not a valid choice" END SELECT
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