World Languages, asked by aligujr156, 1 month ago

some evidence that language is cogitative​


Answered by sonukumar5066

References in periodicals archive?

This is moreover a kind of imagination that is tempered by excellent cogitative judgment, the kind that a commander proud of his "speculative and ofhced instrument" might rather like to hear praised (1.3.267).

Forms of Fantasy: Psychology and Epistemology in the House of Alma, De la force de Vimagination, and Othello

He discusses the concept of social world, the serious leisure perspective, and the qualities of serious pursuit; members of leisure social worlds and the activities they pursue, such as cogitative, artistic, and collecting pursuits and volunteering; their culture and communications; and the issue of the differences separating the casual and serious leisure social worlds.

Social Worlds and the Leisure Experience

Prompted by the environmental stimuli and internal drive, creative ideas, whether vague or concrete, impractical or feasible, start to germinate as signs of cogitative power.


In this vintage, when the entire humanity necessitates tolerance and patience what they should mean in their best intellectually cogitative phraseology, the things are to be addressed even more than the need of 'Inter-Faith Harmony', the indeed need of 'Inter-Human Harmony'.

Blasphemous Competition-- Satanic Segments Freedom of Expression: A Bane or Blessing?

Whether you love him or hate him, it isn't easy to dismiss the incontrovertible catchiness of the harmony-driven tracks in Charlie Puth's sophomore effort, 'Voicenotes'-from the infidelity-themed 'How Long,' 'LA Girls,' 'Somebody Told Me' and 'Empty Cups,' to the unabashedly cogitative 'The Way I Am' and 'Through It All.'

Charlie Puth's 'Voicenotes' a hook-heavy guilty pleasure

The cogitative skills and brain development of people who are hard of hearing are the same as those of people using oral language, with linguistic variables being the only difference [10,11].

Therapeutic approaches for deaf children at intervention centers in Chile's metropolitan region: access to health and education

But differences emerged in the slower, more effortful cogitativephase that followed, leading to divergent success rates in the end: 18 per cent for the mathematics students versus 6 per cent for the history students.

Does maths make you smarter?

We are transitioning to a point where AI becomes pure intelligence that can mimic cogitative reasoning of human beings.

The future of all things that think, sync and link

After distinguishing Aquinas's use of the term phantasia from Aristotle's in chapter 9, the author turns in chapter 10 to the highest of the internal senses: the cogitative power (vis cogitativa).

Lisska, Anthony. Aquinas's Theory of Perception: An Analytic Reconstruction

PROTECTIVE FUNCTION EXERCISING doesn't just build your brain, it has also been shown to protect against age-related cogitativedecline.

How exercising the body can boost our brains too; Keeping fit isn't just about our physical condition, it's about our mental wellbeing too, writes ANDY BROOKSGetting

The Gadamerian cogitative subject is aware of his throwing in a hermeneutical situation.


Answered by parveshkumar270762


We develop a hypothesis that language and cognition are two separate but closely interacting mechanisms. Language accumulates cultural wisdom; cognition develops mental representations modeling surrounding world and adapts cultural knowledge to concrete circumstances of life.


hope it helps!

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