Science, asked by THISISVISHAL, 11 months ago

some important question of calss 10 science chapter control and coordination. CBSE


Answered by antra2004
Why is it advised to use iodised salt in our diet ?
Answer. Iodine stimulates the thyroid gland to produce thyroxin hormone. Deficiency of this hormone results in the enlargement of the thyroid gland. This can lead to goitre.

Short Answer Type Questions[ll] [3 Marks] -Year 2015

2.State how concentration of auxin stimulates the cells to grow longer on the side of the shoot which is away from light ?
Answer. When light falls on the side of the shoot auxin diffuses towards the shady side of the shoot. This concentration of the auxin stimulates the cell to grow longer on the side of the shoot which is away from light. Thus plant appears to bend towards light.

3. What is synapse ? In a neuron cell how is an electrical impulse created and what is the role of synapse in this context ?
Answer. A synapse is the gap between the two neurons. Here the axon terminal of one neuron is in close proximity to the dendrite of the second neuron. When a nerve impulse reaches the knob like nerve ending of an axon, a tiny amount of a chemical substance is released in the synapse. This chemical substance is called as the neurotransmitter. At synapse the electrical signals converted into chemicals, that can easily cross over the gap and pass on to the next neurons where it again converted into electrical signals.
What is meant by reflex-action ? With the help of a labelled diagram trace the sequence of events which occur when we touch a hot object.
Answer.Stimulus: In the example above, the stimulus is the contact with the hot pot. This contact causes a nerve impulse that will travel to the spinal cord via the sensory neurons.
Sensory neurons: These neurons carry the nerve impulse to the spinal cord. Similar to the interneuron and motor neuron, sensory neurons receive incoming impulses at the dendrites. The impulses move away from the cell body along the axon to the synaptic terminal where the impulse is sent to the next interneuron with the help of a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine). Interneurons: The interneuron is also known as relay neuron. These neurons are fully contained in the central nervous system. The interneuron serves as the connection between the sensory neurons and the motor neurons. Synapse: The synapse is a tiny space between two neurons. When an impulse gets to the end of one neuron and has to be sent down to the next neuron, the synapse acts as a bridge. The signal arrives at the end of one neuron (close to the synapse) as an electrical signal, crosses the synapse as a chemical signal (with the help of a neurotransmitter known as acetylcholine released by the synaptic vesicles at the synaptic terminal) and continues as an electrical signal in the next neuron.
Motor neurons: These neurons send nerve impulses away from the central nervous system to effector organs or muscle fiber in our example above. This causes the muscle fiber to contract, resulting in you snatching your hand away from the hot pot.

Response: To respond to the stimulus of the reflex arc, the muscle needs to contract to pull the hand quickly away from the hot pot. For this to happen, the impulse travels to the synaptic terminal of the motor neuron. Synaptic vesicles at the synaptic . terminal will then release acetylcholine which will cross the synapse and bind to the receptors on the muscle fibers to trigger the muscle contraction known as the ‘response’.

Very Short Answer Type Question [1 Mark]- Year 2014

5. Give an example of a plant hormone that promotes its growth. Where it is synthesized ?
Answer. Plant hormone that promotes growth is auxin. It is synthesized at the tip of the plant stem.

Short Answer Type Question [I] [2 Marks] – Year 2014

6.(i) Name the hormones that are released in human males and females when they reach puberty.
(ii) Name a gland associated with brain. Which problem is caused due to the deficiency of the hormone released by this gland ?
(i) Testes in males produces hormone testosterone.
Ovaries in females produces hormone oestrogen.
(ii)Pituitary gland present in the brain is responsible for body growth, development of bones and muscles (if excess-gigantism) (if less-dwarfism).

Short Answer Type Questions[ll] [3 Marks] – Year 2014

7. Draw neat diagram of human brain and label on it the following parts :
(i) Midbrain (ii) Pituitary gland

8.Write one example each of the following tropic movements :
(i) Positive phototropism (ii) Negative phototropism
(iii) Positive geotropism (iv) Negative geotropism
(v) Hydrotropism (vi) Chemotropism
(i) Positive phototropism: shoots growing towards light.
(ii)Negative phototropism: roots growing away from light towards ground.
(iii) Positive geotropism: growth of roots towards earth due to the pull of the earth.
(iv)Negative geotropism: shoots growing away from the earth.
(v) Hydrotropism: roots growing towards the source of water.
(vi)Chemotropism: growth of pollen tubes towards the ovules.

Answered by navankatyagi31
Hii ur answer is here

Question 1 
Why is control and coordination system necessary in organisms?

Question 2
What is homeostasis?

Question 3
Give examples of some of the movements shown by plants
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