some information about working principle of vaccination under the following heads- Vaccines available globally for preventing COVID-19 please some one answer
Inactivated or weakened virus vaccines, which use a form of the virus that has been inactivated or weakened so it doesn’t cause disease, but still generates an immune response.
Protein-based vaccines, which use harmless fragments of proteins or protein shells that mimic the COVID-19 virus to safely generate an immune response.
Viral vector vaccines, which use a safe virus that cannot cause disease but serves as a platform to produce coronavirus proteins to generate an immune response.
RNA and DNA vaccines, a cutting-edge approach that uses genetically engineered RNA or DNA to generate a protein that itself safely prompts an immune response.
so vaccine of covid 19 is very good . it is not that after vaccine you can not effected with corona but its symtom will be less in limited way . And everyone should go for vaccination but if there are not infected with corona from last 4 or 5 weeks .