English, asked by sudhirpal853latapal, 1 year ago

some of your classmates becomes ill manered and used foul language when thet disagree with each other or quarrel discuss


Answered by upenderjoshi28

This is an ASL prompt for speaking in class 10. You can say the following lines or something similar in your discussion for the prompt:


Student A: Some of the boys of our class very ill-mannered. They use foul and abusive language so flagrantly while quarrelling and even on trivial matters of disagreement.

Student B: I agree with you. We have to feel so embarrassed at times on their shamelessness!

Student A: Why only those few boys do that? Other boys are so polite and gentle!

Student B: I think they have learnt it from their home environment they live in. Their elders might have been using foul and abusive language!

Student A: That’s alright but we got to do something. Otherwise their habit of using foul language will become incorrigible.

Student B: That’s true! What can we do?

Student A: I think we should have a word with them. We can discuss with them the ill-effects of using foul and abusive language over snacks at the canteen.

Student B: Yes, that is a brilliant idea. We can tell them foul language is characteristic of bad characters. We can even tell them this habit is tarnishing their image. People who use foul language are considered repulsive.

Student A: We can tell them they might lose their good, intelligent friends who help them in their studies, which will lead to further complications.

Student B: We can tell them the consequences of using foul language on the school campus. If they get caught they will be suspended; their parents will come to know; and they will feel embarrassment.

Student A: We can also tell them politely that using foul languages openly, especially where so many girls are around is highly unethical and impolite. I am sure they will surely listen to us.

Student B: If they don’t, we will bring the matter to class teacher’s attention. She will deal strictly with them.

Student A: That’s true. But we will take our class teacher’s help only as a last recourse. First we will try to reason with them.

Answered by rahulragini
I have always believed children are like clay when they come into this world. Even though heredity plays some role in shaping them into human beings, it is the environment that plays a stellar role in providing them the best template for shaping their characters. Parents, teachers and all order people must teach the children what is good and what is right; what they must say, how they must say and who they must say what. The older people must also practice what they preach in order to become living examples to children. In this manner a conducive environment can be created for the benefit of the child.

In spite of all of the above, if poor manners and foul language becomes a part of a child's life, he or she should be punished in an exemplary manner in public so that these bad traits are nipped in the bud. Parents and teachers must take the desired action in consultation with each other.

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