Biology, asked by mansoorahmed, 1 year ago

Some parents build their children’s lives around sports and place a high premium on the successes their children achieve in sports. Such parents often enroll their kids in sports programs when they are in preschool and continue to encourage their involvement in sports through high school and beyond. Many of these parents justify their position by equating success on the playing field with success in the real world. They also cite the benefits of sports to support their decisions: improving physical fitness, building lasting friendships, and acquiring life skills, such as persistence and teamwork.

In light of this phenomenon, discuss the benefits and drawbacks to parental involvement in their children’s sports lives. When do parents cross the line between healthy encouragement to prepare their children for success and pushing them to succeed at all costs?


Answered by k2w2
in the passge it says some parents build their childrens life around sports
to have success in sports. its because they think its a way to healthy life and success also some parents enroll and encourge u in sports cus for the same reason. Parents do cross the line when their child doesnt want to do that sport or hes just sick of it. 
      then they force u for sure.another reason is that they just want u to be the best. but when u dont stand on their expectations they push u they teach u they make u do anything to do ur best to be the best. but they have their own reasons. everyone has their own reasons . rather than giving thier child a healthy encougement they push him hard . encourging is needed it can make anyone do anything that they cant even dream of . at least thats wht i think 
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