English, asked by swaravast13, 2 days ago

Some people are afraid to make friends because of the past events.

Another reason is being taken advantage of. At times, we are afraid to

reveal our vulnerability. But if we don't dare to risk, our lives will become


Remember you will never succeed to win a friend who has zero flaws. In

psychology, "Long- term happy friendship indicates that a person has a

strong sense of self-worth and the ability to give him or herself without the

fear of becoming depleted."

Friendship requires special nourishing. Both the people have to make

efforts. We need to realise that we are imperfect human beings, but our

love gives us strength. We can lose our friends by becoming grumpy,

bossy and sarcastic. Invading the privacy of others can also lead to loss of


How to nourish friendship? Dale Carnegie, the author of How to Win

Friends and Influence People, says, "You can make more friends in two

months by becoming interested in other people than you can in TWO years

by trying to get other people interested in you." write summary​


Answered by dolly200522


I don't know about summary but it's a true feeling and I usually feel same before making friends..

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