Some people argue that a hacker who defaces a Web page of a government entity such as the White House, Congress, or Parliament should receive harsher punishment than a hacker who defaces a Web page of a private company or organization. Give some arguments for and against this view.
Some people argue that a hacker who defaces a Web page of a government entity such as the White House, Congress, or Parliament should receive harsher punishment than a hacker who defaces a Web page of a private company or organization. Give some arguments for and against this view.
Some hackers are malicious while others are teenage scrip kiddies. The malicious hackers are bent on destroying data and infrastructure or stealing information for profit. These kinds of hackers are called black hat hackers.
Script kiddies on the other hand are teenagers who are experimenting and hacking for fun. These kinds of hackers do not normally write their own exploits. They just downloads software and scripts from websites and run them against corporate or personal computers.
These two kinds of hackers should not be punished in the same way if caught. Script kiddies should be given lenient punishment while black hats should be punished severely.
Kevin Mitnick is a famous example of a teenage hacker who was punished severely for infiltrating Government and military website. Although he served his prison sentence for several years, some people feel that his punishment was too harsh.
When teenagers are punished severely like Mitnick was, it often kills the hacker spirit of trying out new things and building new kinds of software.
Companies like Google, Apple,Yahoo and Microsoft were built by hackers.
Some people argue that a hacker who defaces a Web page of a government entity such as the White House, Congress, or Parliament should receive harsher punishment than a hacker who defaces a Web page of a private company or organization. Give some arguments for and against this viewb. The term of use of the website for a major concern ticket seller prohibit automated purchases. Should a person who used a software program t purchase a larger number of tickets be prosecuted for exceeding authorized access to the site? why or why not?
c. Identify several issues raised by this scenario: Someone in California posts on a very critical review of a new book written by a British author. The review says the writer is an incompentent fool without a single good idea; he can’t even express the bad idea sclearly and probably did not graduate from grade school; he should be washing dishes in stead of wasting paper and the reader’s time.The author files a lawsuit for libel in England agaist the reviewer and Amazon.