Some people come into your life as a blessing, and others come into your life as lessons. Justify
the statement relating to the lesson ‘Beggar’
Some come for good and some for bad thing. There are so many things that are important in life to know and understand all types of people, knowing how to read people, knowing how to differentiate between being with the wrong people and the right people. It is super important to surround yourself always with different types of people and get to know their mind set and to know their personality, traits, attitudes, actions, their trail of thought about things. Its so imperative to know this. Some people come into your life as blessings because they are the right type of people to be with who are true to you, who would never lie to you, who would never betray you and your trust, someone who will always be your backbone, someone who will be part of your life and stay their with no strings attached. Some people come into your life as lessons.
Hey mate are you in class 9 because I am also in class 9
Has Lushkoff become a beggar by circumstance or by choice?
Lushkoff became a beggar by circumstance. He used to sing in a Russian choir, but he was sacked due to his drinking habit. This led him to beg.
Also Check: CBSE Class 9 English Syllabus (Latest)
2. What reasons does he give to Sergei for his telling lies?
Lushkoff gave the reason for his telling lies that he formerly sang in a Russian choir but was fired from his job for being an alcoholic. So, he had to tell lies. He could not get along without lying as no one would give him anything if he told the truth.
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