some stars are bright and some are dim. why?
A star's brightness also depends on its proximity to us. The more distant an object is, the dimmer it appears. Therefore, if two stars have the same level of brightness, but one is farther away, the closer star will appear brighter than the more distant star - even though they are equally bright!
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There are 2 reasons why some stars appear bright and some of them appear dim :
1. Some of the stars may appear bright to us because they are close to us compared to other stars. The others may appear dim to us because the are really far away from us or the earth.
2. Some stars may appear bright to us because they are really bright and are new born stars which release a lot of energy. While some are dimmer because they are either middle aged stars or old stars which do not release that much energy and keep loosing their fuel, thatswhy they are dim.