English, asked by twinklepannu, 1 year ago

some taps in your locality are left open all day resulting in a tremendous waste of water write a letter to the municipal commissioner of your town or city complaining about the problem suggest ways in which this waste of water can be prevented. ​


Answered by nidaeamann



The commissioner,

Water municipal Authority

Water plays a vital role in our daily lives and we use it for a wide variety of purposes. Water plays a big role in supporting our communities. Without water there would be no local business or industry or not even existence of human life.

It is extremely important that we save water. I have observed that some people leave the taps open in our locality which not only wastes huge amount of precious water but makes the area untidy.

In order to save water, such people must be strictly warned. Secondly we should take the initiative of installing automated faucets in my house. I am also promoting it in my family and community as it can save 60% of household water

I hope you will take the necessary actions.



Answered by bestanswers


Letter to the Municipal Commissioner of the town.



The Municipal Commissioner

Water Department


Subject:  Prevention of water wastage.

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

I am residing in Kormangala area near water municipal department. I would like to drag your attention towards the water wastage from the public tap near our area. The government has installed several public taps to overcome the water shortage of the general public. But it is very sad to inform that these taps are continuously leaking and several litres of water is wasted every day due to ignorance.

Once the installation is done there should be proper administration of the same and the rectification should be done as soon as possible. I request the municipal department to change the faucet of the taps and if possible install sensor in all the taps to avoid wastage of water.

Hope the requisite steps will be taken by your department to avoid further wastage of precious water.

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully,

Reena Malhotra.


129, Kormangala Street

1st cross, Hyderabad.

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