Somebody tell me what is Egestion????
Rectum stores the remaining part of the food or waste in the form of faeces. By the process of defecation, the faeces are expelled from the body through an opening called the anus. The process removing digestive wastes is called egestion.
defecation : the discharge of faeces from the body.
Here is a simple defenation for you
EGESTION. : the act or process of discharging undigested or waste material from a cell or organism.
process of egestion
In humans and other higher forms of animals, the egestion process entails waves of muscular contractions of the colonic walls, moving the fecal matter towards the rectum. The fecal matter is temporarily stored in the rectum ampulla. As the fecal matter accumulates, the rectal walls expand. This causes the stretch receptors in the rectal walls stimulated, the rectal muscles to contract by reflex, the internal anal sphincter to relax, and the external anal sphincter skeletal muscle to contract. As a result, there is an urge to expel the feces. When not acted upon, reverse peristalsis occurs where the material returns to colon for further water absorption and transient storage until the next waves of muscular contractions of the transverse and descending colon. During defecation, Valsalva maneuver is performed. That is the air is expelled against a closed airway. This causes the lungs to cease ventilation as it pushes the chest diaphragm down. This results in pressure on the digestive tract.