English, asked by mohansirvi, 6 months ago

someone did the purposely to spoil my name give me adverb​


Answered by pratishtha1444


How to use adverbs

Imagine readers hippety-hopping through your content.

An autumn breeze plays with their hair. You notice a twinkle in their eye.

Sound good, doesn’t it?

Now, picture the sun hiding behind an ink black cloud. Your readers start to trudge. Their shoes feel heavy. Squelch. Sploosh. Squelch. Sploosh.

Not the kind of experience you want to create, huh?

Still it happens all the time.

Lazy editing makes readers trudge. They get tired. They start skimming your content, or worse: they might click away.

And the muckiest words making your readers drag, plod, and toil? Those are adverbs. As bestselling author Stephen King has said:

The road to hell is paved with adverbs ~ Stephen King (tweet this)

Answered by sarthakideokar2012


someone did it purposely to spoil my name

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