Someone knocka at your door. You opened the door. There is a stranger who says that he had come from space. You are too excited and asks him to come in. Write an essay in more than 500 words what he says of his life
hi sardar I am Roman I had came from China I was born in India then I was taken to China by my relatives I study there and Learns and learn martial arts then after when I I become 19 I've worked at a shop as a sales manager I have to work ok 8:00 hours there 8 hours there and after then my parents take me to India in India I completed my study then and I was being kidnapped and the kidnappers left me e to the the dangerous place a lonely place where was no one was there I I feel so scared from there a bus was going which took me to the Mumbai in Mumbai I work ok as a a sweeper inaya cool school after that I got married with a girl who was Bagga beggar she have nothing but I have letter and and place to live so I married with her by just taking her home after sometime she was suffered with some dangerous disease I did not have money to cure it so she died I feel so bad so so I took train and came 2 to Chandigarh I got no job there so so I have to sleep on pederson Park pedestrian path and remain hungry and after that I again go to Mumbai and continue my same job there suddenly e verified me from the job fired me from the job I then sleep in train and I don't know where I am now then I see the board it was your city name he said the die am Roman I had game from China I was born in and Beyond in I was taken to China by my realtor shy study there and loans and Loan Marshall arts then after then I'll come 19 I've got a show at the sales manager I have to work a double there and everyday and after then mine parents pick me to India in India I completed by study then I was being in a bind the kidnapper left me do the dangerous place on lonely place a was no one was there I feel so scared from the bus was going Vista me to the moon by in Mumbai I've as a sleeper in Estes this cool after that I got matter whether it goes by grab a good she have nothing but I have Sheraton and place to live so I am a turd Weatherford by just taking on home after sometime she was so far with some danger disease tired not have money to go read so she died I feel so bad so I took train and came to Sally girl I got no job there so I have to sleep on Ferguson Port Christian. And the main hungry and after that I again go to Mumbai and continue my saying job there certainly the fired me from the door