English, asked by Shrikrishan994, 10 months ago

someone walked into a dark room and pushed something. there was a broken glass and someone died. What happened


Answered by nandhinir1974


He pushed someone and that person fell on a window, cutting himself and dying

Answered by smartbrainz

The dead body was a bird. The bird probably flew into the room through the window and accidentally knocked the glass off the table; while the bird flew in, it perhaps knocked the latch of the window off the hook and got locked itself in the room. Hence, it died of starvation and lack of air.


  • A riddle is a question, or phrase, or a statement having a veiled or a double meaning, put forth as a puzzle to be solved. They often include critical thinking on the reader’s part in order to figure out the answer, and this offers challenging entertainment.
  • Riddles are of 2 types: enigmas, which are problems usually expressed in allegorical or metaphorical language which necessitate and careful thinking and ingenuity for their solution, and conundra (riddle involving pun in either the answer or question).

To know more

Please solve the riddle!

You find me in December, but not in any other month. What am I?


*Riddle № 5 -2 pills*

A serial killer kidnapped people and made them take 1 of 2 pills: one was harmless, and the other was poisonous. Whichever pill a victim took, the serial killer took the other one. The victim took their pill with water and died. The killer survived.

How did the killer always get the harmless pill?


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