English, asked by ajomon6798, 11 months ago

sometimes Heart sees what is invisible to the eye competition level essay


Answered by zohannmurloc

i have answered the same question since 3 years in high school in test >

Sometimes Heart Can See What Is Invisible To Eyes.

Sometimes, it is observed that what ever heart can see is often neglected by our eyes. Our eyes just helps us to see, but our heart, not only circulates the blood in entire body, but also completes our vision. It can see one's pain, loneliness, kindness, love, faith, care, affection, friendship and other emotions. Eyes can only see physical state of something, its appearance, its lustre and its other qualities, but our heart do have capability to view its feelings and emotional state. The limit or level of understanding possessed by our heart is beyond the limit. When memories sneak out of one's eyes and roll the cheeks, heart can recognise the pain behind. Heart is able to understand the words or expressions of unsaid or tangled feelings. Often blinded by the curtains of evidences immersed in glitzinest, reliability and superiority, one tend to forget the fair chances of presence of unheard, unspoken and unseen words, that often needs to be corrected. One tries the best to hide their feelings, but often forget that their eyes speak those words out, which are recognised by our heart.

"Seeing is Believing", but one can not entirely believe what he sees, sometimes they may be mistaken, or else haven't come to know the truth. Even, one may not have felt the reality, those unsaid words and emotions. Therefore, its not eyes on which he can rely upon, but heart through which he is able to understand the situation. As well, it is noticed that whatever decision our heart makes is most appropriate among all. Our brain has tendency to store whatever our eyes see, even it is a false image or or fake pretence, but deep inside, there is always a voice ( of heart ) that gives better opinion clashing the original one of that of brain. The decision of brain is made on the basis of what our eyes sees, but opinion of our heart is somewhere related to our own will. One who follow the way of our heart, is always satisfied in their life. Although modern era rely on superficiality of each and every aspect, in decision- making, the heart should be preferred.

For an example, God, he isn't seen by anyone, but his presence is felt by most of us. Whenever we face any obstacle, we do pray him. He resides here, in this world, in everyone's heart, what if we can't see him, but we always remember him in good times and bad happenings. As well, our eyes can see a pretty smile of a person, but only our heart can understand the deep emotions and the opposite side of it, which isn't perceived by our eyes.

Answered by DiyaDebeshee


This great saying is said by H. Jackson Brown. This line says about our feeling or emotions like love, kind, selfishness etc., towards other people. With our eyes, we can see that a person is very smiling and always happy, but only our heart can understand the deep and the lonely side, which can not be seen with our brains and eyes. The level of understanding and bondage can increase only when we have the ability to understand internal feelings in our heart. All great persons became great by tapping the huge powers of the heart, we see that it is our mothers, grandmothers In love, we are working in our daily life; Often when we are disturbed or troubled because of something, our mother or grandmother detects our problems without our troubles.

This great saying is said by H. Jackson Brown. This line says about our feeling or emotions like love, kind, selfishness etc., towards other people. our eyes cannot feel our emotions, only our heart can this that. There are things in this world wherein something we have to feel with our heart and believe with your eyes. some people do not believe in God. we have never seen them but we just believe through our heart that they really exist. This is all how we take the things. some people may do not look good but their feeling towards others make their character very beautiful which is known as humanity. With our eyes, we can see that a man is very happy and cheerful but only our heart can understand the sad and the lonely side, which can not be seen through our eyes. The level of understanding can increase only when we have the ability to feel internal feelings in our heart. All great persons became great by tapping the huge powers of the heart, we see that it is our mothers, grandmothers In love, we are working in our daily life; Often when we are disturbed or troubled because of something, our mother or grandmother detects our problems without our troubles.

An example of a mother and her child= a mother and child love can only be felt by heart, not with eyes. FOR ME HEART IS MORE EFFECTIVE THAN EYES.

Hope you liked it

tijib: Yeah obviously, in this age of competition and rivalry, we often take everything by the way we see them. We seldom care to see what's in their hearts and minds.
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