Soon after the board results you visited a Board Topper in your area.Since you were to appear for the board examination,you were quite curious to know how he made it.Make use of the above points and prepare a note.
The day of the announcement of result is one of the most memorable days in a student’s life and the name of board topper echoes like a world conqueror everywhere. Since I myself was also an aspirant to top the board therefore I visited a board topper living in my neighborhood right after the declaration of the board results. I was curious to know how he did as I was also supposed to appear in my annual board examination following year. I was not surprised to know that he burnt the midnight oil to reach there since it was required to achieve such a mighty target. The real surprise came when he advised me to take exercise daily as it helped him a lot in maintaining good mental and physical health. His unique approach to studies and physical fitness helped him to get such a huge success.
- Study all the subjects everyday
- Take breaks and not study continuously
- Work out problems and equation
- Understand the concept
- Create hints and take notes
- Present the answer in a neat and attractive manner
- Revise at least once
- Do not leave out any topics in the syllabus
- Ask for doubts
- Draw diagrams wherever necessary
- Do not stress too much
- Calm before the exam
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