Biology, asked by Anonymous, 8 months ago

Sort the bones based on whether they belong to the appendicular skeleton or the axial skeleton.



Answered by july2013

Sternum - Axial.

Scapula - Appendicular.

Mandible - Axial.

Tibia - Appendicular.

Phalanges - Appendicular.

Vertebrae - Axial.

Lets learn the bones in very easy manner that's how I learned it :)

Our skeleton system is divided into two parts Axial and Appendicular.

If you forgets or gets confused between axial and appendicular then just remember the straight parts of your body is axial and the rest part is appendicular from its name appendages like limbs..

Adult human body is consist of 206 bones (I said adults because newborn babies contains 305 bones which is then fused to form 206 bones)

Axial part contains 80 bones :-

1. Skull bones total - 28

(a) Cranial bones - 8

  • Parietal -2
  • Temporal - 2
  • Frontal - 1
  • Occipital - 1
  • Ethmoid - 1
  • Sphenoid - 1

(b) Ear ossicles - 6

  • Malleus -1
  • Incus - 1
  • Stapes -1

(c) Facial bones - 14

  • Maxilla (upper jaw) - 2
  • Mandible (lower jaw) - 1
  • Platine (upper and lower palate) - 2
  • Zygomatic (cheeks bone) - 2
  • Nasal bone - 2
  • Inferior turbinal - 2
  • Lacrimal (near eye) - 2
  • Vomer (backside of nose) - 1

(2) Hyoid bone (Also known as tongue bone) - 1

3. Vertebral column - 26

  • Cervical vertebrae - 7
  • Thoracic vertebrae - 12
  • Lumbar vertebrae - 5
  • Sacrum - 1
  • Coccyx - 1

4. Thoracic cage - 25

  • Sternum - 1
  • Rib cage - 24 (12 pair)

Appendicular part is consists of 126 bones :-

Upper limb : 60 bones.

  • Humerus - 1
  • Radius - 1
  • Ulna - 1
  • Carpals - 8
  • Metacarpals - 5
  • Phalanges - 14

Total = 30

Both hands - 30 × 2 = 60

Lower limbs : 60 bones.

  • Femur - 1
  • Tibia - 1
  • Fibula - 1
  • Patella - 1
  • Tarsals - 7
  • Metatarsals - 5
  • Phalanges - 14

Total = 30 bones

Both legs - 30 × 2 = 60 bones

Pectoral girdle - Clavicle - 2 and scapula - 2

Pelvic girdle - 2 coxal bones (Each coxal bone is consist of Ilium, Ischium and pubis).

Answered by rahul123437

In the diagram, the bones can be classified as -

Mandible, Sternum, vertebrae - Axial Skeleton System  

Scapula, Tibia, phalanges - Appendicular Skeleton System.

Explanation -


The adult human skeletal system consists of 206 bones that provide structural support.

The skeletal system is divided into -  

1. Axial Skeleton System  

  • The bones along the long, vertical, and central body axis.
  • Forms bones of the brain, neck, chest, and back.
  • Provides the site for muscle attachment and protects the organs from mechanical shocks.
  • It is formed of 80 bones to form the skull, vertebral column, and thoracic cage.
  • The skull is formed by 22 bones along with hyoid bone and ear ossicles.
  • The skull bones are parietal, occipital, temporal, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, zygomatic, nasal, mandible, maxilla, vomer, lacrimal, palatine, and inferior nasal concha.
  • The vertebral column is formed by 24 bones and consists of cervical, lumbar, thoracic, sacrum, coccyx.
  • The thoracic cage is formed by the sternum and 12 pairs of ribs.

2. Appendicular Skeleton System

  • The bones form limbs of the upper and lower body.  
  • Formed by 126 bones forming upper and lower girdles.
  • The pectoral girdle consists of 4 bones of the scapula and clavicle.  
  • The pelvic girdle is formed by coxal or hip bones.
  • The upper and lower extremities consist of 30 bones in each limb.  
  • The upper limb is formed by the humerus, radius, ulna, carpals, metacarpals, and phalanges.
  • The lower limb consists of the femur, tibia, fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, and phalanges.
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