sound Verb of
1) streams ( gurgle / whistle / bang )
2. trumpets ( whisper / boom / blare )
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Answer in below
Sound Words
Circle the appropriate verbs in the following sentences.
1. Oxen bellow | chatter.
2. Wolves howl / bellow.
3. Hens click / cluck.
4. Pigs chant / grunt.
5. Teeth whistle / chatter.
6. Dogs caw / bark
7. Geese giggle / cackle.
8. Pigeons moo/coo.
9. Bees quack / buzz.
10. Babies gurgle / tinkle.
11. Owls honk / hoot.
12. Sheep quack / bleat.
13. Cats purr / neigh.
14. Elephant howl/ trumpet.
15. Cows mew / moo.
16. Donkeys neigh / bray.
17. Children tick / giggle.
18. Snakes growl / hiss.
19. Lions roar | meow.
20. Mice sing / squeak,
- Filli 1111
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