Source A-Project Tiger "Project Tiger", one of the well publicised wildlife campaigns in the world, was launched in 1973. Tiger conservation has been viewed not only as an effort to save an endangered species, but with equal importance as a means of preserving biotypes of sizeable magnitude. Source B-Threats to Tiger population
Tiger is one of the key wildlife species in the faunal web. In 1973. the authorities realised that the tiger population had dwindled to 1,827 from an estimated 55,000 at the turn of the century. The major threats to tiger population are numerous, such as poaching for trade, shrinking habitat, depletion of prey base species, growing human population, etc. Source C-Poaching and Illegal trading of tiger The trade of tiger skins and the use of their bones in traditional medicines, especially in the Asian countries left the tiger population on the verge of extinction. Since India and Nepal provide habitat to about two-thirds of the surviving tiger population in the world, these two nations became prime targets for poaching and illegal trading. Source A-Project Tiger (a) Evaluate the importance of tiger conservation.
Source B-Threats to Tiger population
(b) What are the major threats to tiger population?
Source C-Poaching and Illegal trading of tiger
(c) Why does the trade of tiger occurs?
a) Tiger is symbol of wilderness and well-being of the ecosystem. By conserving and saving tigers the entire wilderness ecosystem is conserved. In nature, barring human beings and their domesticates, rest of the ecosystem is wild. Hence conserving wilderness is important and crucial to maintain the life support system.
b) Over the course of a century, the tiger has lost 97% of its population. The main threats to the tiger are hunting, poaching, habitat loss, deforestation and a shortage of its prey.
c) The trade of tigers occurs due to the precious of things found in tigers like their skin is collected and made precious things. This is the greed of people who do trade of tigers.
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