Social Sciences, asked by Asthakumari123, 1 month ago

Source B

At the international level the club of Rome advocated resource conservation for the first time in a more

systematic way in 1968.the seminal contribution with respect to resource conservation at the global level

was made by the Brundtland commission report 1987.this report introduced the concept of sustainable

development and advocated it as a means for resource conservation, which was subsequently published in

a book entitled Our Common Future.

2. What was the main contribution of the Brundtland Commission Report, 1987?

(a) Sustainable development as means for resource conservation

(b) Advocated resource conservation for the first time

(c) Presented Gandhian philosophy

(d) All the above​


Answered by madmeansalwaysmad


Sustainable development as means for resource conservation

Option a


The report by the Brundtland Commission developed the most widely used definition of sustainable development as “development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (WCED, 1987)

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