English, asked by vineethanarayanan65, 11 months ago

sowie eine briefly
What is the true shape of the earth?
What is the latitudinal value of the Trople of Cancer?
wat are the three heat zones of the Earth?
What are parallels of latitude and meridians of longitu
Why does the torrid zone receive maximum amount of
Why is 15.30p.m. In India and 12.00 noon in London
correct answer
The value of the prime meridi​



Answered by bishwasgaurav6


the true shape of the earth is oblate spheroid and the latitude and longitude expansion is the latitude is equal to lambi have a topic of cancer is 23 and hard degree and the heat zone is it has the three hits on the of every night and destroyed and the parallels and meridians both a longitudinal axis and it comes from the north pole to the South pole and the torrid zone it is situated in the tropical zone and it receives the maximum amount of its correct and the London and it is their own it is equal to the international date line which is also situated in the

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