Science, asked by Anonymous, 5 months ago

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Answered by lovedeep8190


a.)Evaporation causes cooling because the process requires heat energy. The energy is taken away by the molecules when they convert from liquid into gas, and this causes cooling on the original surface.

b.)Water at room temperature exists as liquid because its melting point is below room temperature while boiling point (100º C) is above room temperature. 

c.)On a hot dry day, the amount of water vapour present in air is less. Thus, water present inside the desert cooler evaporates more, thereby cooling the surroundings more. That is why a desert cooler cools better on a hot dry day.

d.)Higher temperatures increase the energy and therefore the movement of the molecules, increasing the rate of diffusion. Lower temperatures decrease the energy of the molecules, thus decreasing the rate of diffusion.

e.)An iron almirah is a solid at room temperature because its melting point as well as boiling point is above room temperature.

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Answered by Tanvi2407


a) Evaporation causes cooling because the process requires heat energy. The energy is taken away by the molecules when they convert from liquid into gas, and this causes cooling on the original surface.

b) Water at room temperature exists as liquid because its melting point is below room temperature while boiling point (100º C) is above room temperature.

c) If the amount of water vapour present in air is less, then evaporation is more. On a hot dry day, the amount of water vapour present in air is less. Thus, water present inside the desert cooler evaporates more, thereby cooling the surroundings more. That is why a desert cooler cools better on a hot dry day.

d)The speed of a molecule is proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature and temperature is the measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules in an object, therefore when the temperature increases the molecules will have more kinetic energy, so they move faster and due to more spontaneous spreading

e) An iron almirah is a solid at room temperature (25°C) because:

1.It has a definite and rigid shape and

2.Fixed volume like a solid at room temperature.

3.On applying external force the shape does not get deformed


Hope it helps!

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