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The required story is as follows ::
God helps everyone
Once upon a time, there was a man named Mr. Chatterjee. He was a rich man. He had only his grandson as his family. He loved his grandson a lot. Once his darling grandson fell sick. He just wanted his grandson to get well soon. For this he engaged best doctors. The doctors started handling the case. The sickness was quite serious. There was a operation needed to cure the grandson. But for this the post operation medicines were not available. The grandfather that is Mr. Chatterjee searched for drug everywhere but the result was negative that is after a lot searching of day and night , Mr. Chatterjee couldn't find the drug. He was tired and hopeless. He then heard of Mother Teresa about the works which she done for society. As his last try, he went to Mother Teresa's Ashram. He greeted Mother Teresa and then she looked into his eyes. In a first glance itself, she understood that he was in a helpless state. From a very rich man, he turned among the poorest of the poor. He was totally sad and uneasy to handle. He lost all his hope. Mother Teresa tried to comfort him by conceiving him with positive aspects of life. She made him understand that money is not everything but praying to God in such situations might help him. He prayed to God and luckily the result came out to be positive. The doctors got that drug and his grandson got well. Then he got to realise that money can't help everywhere. But this Mother Teresa helped him and he paid thanks to her.
Moral :: The moral of the story is money can't help in every situation where as God is always there to help us.
★ More to know :-
Points to be kept in mind while writing a story ::
- The vocabulary should be easier but effective.
- The tense should always be in past tense.
- There should be the use of third person pronoun mostly.
- Heading and moral are necessary wherever possible.
- There should be a taste of humour in the story to make it interesting.
The required answer for the question.