specific latent heat of vaporization and specific heat of vaporization are they two same thing or different ???
The heat of vaporization is defined as the amount of heat needed to turn 1g of a liquid into a vapor, without a rise in the temperature of the liquid.
From: Principles of Soil and Plant Water Relations (Second Edition), 2014
Related terms:
Methyl AlcoholLatent HeatHeat TransferWater VaporBiomassVapour PressureEthanol
The amount of heat energy absorbed at constant temperature by a unit mass of liquid to convert into a gaseous phase is called the specific latent heat by vaporization.
Specific heat is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise 1 gram by 1°C
Latent Heat of Fusion is the amount of heat energy it takes to raise 1 gram from solid to gas.
This way it is much easier to heat water than to boil it.
I too learn this topic!