Speech about bullying
Bullying is a topic that has been exercised and entertained millions of times yet still remains a hot topic and causes death among teenagers, depression in the workplace, it has even been pinpointed as a cause for wars and genocides.
So what is the definition?
The definition of bullying is when an individual or a group of people with more power, repeatedly and intentionally cause hurt or harm to another person or group of people who feel helpless to respond.
While the bullying definition is broad and can occur in a variety of environments it usually is a relationship problem and requires relationship-based solutions. Those who bully are more likely to feel like their friendships and family relationships aren’t very secure. They are more likely to feel like those who are closest to them make them do things that they don’t feel comfortable doing and aren’t very supportive or loving.
Our research shows that those who have experienced bullying are twice as likely to go on and bully others. Often it’s used as a defence mechanism and people tend to believe that by bullying others, they will become immune to being bullied themselves. In fact, it just becomes a vicious cycle of negative behaviour.
Knowing what we know now we have to ask ourselves two very important questions:
How can we help those who are bullied and how can we equally help those who bully so that ultimately we can stop bullying.
Do not define people by their nationality, race, and economic status. Create a culture of belonging where everyone feels comfortable, welcomed, accepted and happy. Stop judging and stereotyping!
If you are a friend, educator, parent or sibling commit to becoming a good listener. When someone has been bullied or is experiencing a difficult time in their life listen listen listen — even at the expense of having to put duct tape to your mouth. You may not have the solution but you have two ears and one mouth for a reason — listen empathetically, acknowledge someone’s feelings. Instead of focusing on their actions focus on their feelings. It is the only way that a person can develop trust and start to open up to the possibility of finding solutions.
Be the change you want to see today. Because the best time to make a difference is RIGHT NOW!