English, asked by upraveen965, 7 months ago

speech about discipline and timesense​


Answered by sumanchoudhary1784


Discipline is one of the powerful words in our life. Discipline means doing work orderly according to the rules & regulation, being punctual and regular. Discipline word contains so much value in our life and its importance can be seen anywhere and everywhere. But can you imagine, if we forget about discipline? Will this world be able to move forward without discipline? The answer is an absolute ‘No’.

Everything in our life, starting from being on-time to school, completing our daily tasks, to sticking to our values, all are based on discipline. It is a basic need of our life to maintain and move towards success. In today’s life, discipline is more important in our normal life rather than soldier’s because an undisciplined action can destroy our whole life. It is like the limits according to which we lead our life and this makes us disciplined and capable of living in the society. Discipline is the only mantra of human beings to be successful in life.

it is on discipline


it is on timelessness


Time plays a decisive role in a student’s life. Now-a-days many students waste their time in useless pursuits, particularly in the beginning of an academic year. Later, when exams are near, they complain that they don’t have sufficient time to complete their portions.

In today’s world, money and the things it can buy-only these seem to have value. In reality, however, money and the things it can buy are both created by man. But man has forgotten his own value! Another startling fact about life is that this being called man, and his creation called money-both are short-lived. This short period in which they exist and vanish is called time. How important time is! But the meaning and value of the time is not clear to all. We need to think deeply in order to understand the value of time. Only then will we realize that time is the only wealth we have.

As soon as one wakes up in the morning after a good night’s sleep, one becomes an heir to a priceless treasure of 24 hours. Only when one makes use of this treasure with great care can one accomplish what one wants to accomplish in life. Time is so invaluable and precious that just become an all-conquering monarch!

Here are a few hints for those who wish to utilize their time profitably.

• Remember that time is extremely valuable.

• Recognize this harsh truth that time once gone will never come back.

• Resolve thus and stick to it-‘whatever has to be done at a particular time, I shall definitely do it.

• If you make the habit of doing the right thing at right time, you will not have to be anxious thus-‘what shall I do now, what should I do after this’, and hence, you will save much of your time.

• Be very clear about what you wish to do, however trifling the work be.

• If you do not work with interest ant attention, no matter what you do, you will waste your time. Remember this simple fact.

• Suppose you have made a mistake, instead of brooding over it and cursing yourself and everyone around you and feeling bad about it, if you try to set it right, or if you just take up the next thing that you should do, you will save much time which is so precious.

• He alone succeeds who can think right at the right moment.

Answered by sravani3289


time sense gives the sense to follow punctuality and give dignity in the society. It explains about the value of time.

discipline is the most important thing in our life. behavior is based on discipline. discipline gives us so many good and excellent opportunities

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