Speech about school's outstanding performance in educating children
Education is not just literacy. In other words a literate person may not be educated at all. The point is that education is about having a goal—the goal of equipping a person face life well.
Education is not just having academic knowledge about subjects prescribed to be learned. Instead it should aim at the holistic development of a student—cultural, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and physical.One of the hallmarks of good education is how it has helped a person put to practical use the knowledge he has gained. Without this practical wisdom, education is a failure.
Another area where education should play a critical role is in the area of civic responsibility. Have you not seen educated people thoughtlessly throw a banana peel on the road while they travel in a car? What good is education if a person cannot see the harm he is doing to the public by his thoughtless and selfish act?
Unfortunately, today education has become a business in many circles. That adds to the cut throat spirit of competition in the marketplace. On the other hand education should vigorously aim to instill moral values in students.