Speech in topic Adolescence and cyber attack
Adolescence is an age when children begin to assert their independence. They feel grown up and able to handle life on their own. Thus, there is a strong tendency to try and manage things all by themselves. Since this is also a time for exploring and seeking out information, adolescents often end up spending a lot of time on the internet. Unfortunately, they are either not aware of the consequences of giving out personal information (including posting family pictures and updates on social media sites) on the internet or do not take it too seriously. As a result, they become easy targets for people involved in cyber-crime.
Yet another way in which teens fall prey to cyber-crime is through cyber-bullying. This happens when an individual uses technology to bully someone through text messages or online messages. It has become a very common phenomenon in nations like America, where people create fake accounts only to harass others. Cyber-bullying is a serious issue because it can severely affect an adolescent’s sense of being, sometimes even causing suicidal deaths. A certain game is known to have blackmailed youngsters to the extent of killing themselves. Those involved in developing and managing the game are being arrested.
The first and foremost step is to learn about being safe online. If one still faces problems, it should be reported to trusted adults like parents and possibly school authorities. With cyber cells being created in many parts of India, offenders are being nabbed and brought to task. The internet is for our convenience and should not be allowed to become a source of worry.
Cyber terrorization is evolving day by day thus increasing the need to build up and tighten security measures to make sure the protection of everybody using the cyber space. Increasing use of cyber space throughout the globe coupled with globalization has increased the complication of cyber threats. Cyber security threats continue to rise in frequency and variant. This has led to major security threats thus the need for putting in of better security measures to stop the happening of these threats. Typically, the threats could be categorize into three; malicious codes network abuses, and network attacks. Malicious codes include worms, viruses, key loggers, trojen horses, BOTs, and spyware. According to Cavelty (2008), network abuse includes phishing, paring SPAM, and network related fake. Lastly network attacks include DoS attacks, intrusion and web defacement. This paper looks into such cyber security threats and how they could be counteracted attacked.