English, asked by parthvi, 1 year ago

speech of 1 min on science and future


Answered by kvnmurty
    Friends, I wish to say a few words on Science and what we can expect from Science in future.

   Science is the study of laws of nature, properties and structure of materials, all kinds of living organisms in the Universe.  Science is meant for learning, discovering and inventing all for the better of all living organisms.  Science is the continuous effort of researchers in educational and sponsoring corporates.

   Using sciences Engineers, doctors and scientists make a number of gadgets and appliances for use at homes, offices or industries.  I am sure, we will not like to be born again in world without theseScience makes our life easier, healthier and safer.  Long ago people lived in darkness in the night.  Now astronauts fly in space.

  When I say science, it means mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, social science, (science of economics) and medical sciences.   Medical science is making our life span longer and living healthier.  Use of resources and energy will hopefully become more efficient.  We will be able to eat high quality food and drink high quality water.

    Science introduces new technologies and helps more employment.  In future science will make the man do wonders like in fiction movies and books, that we can not imagine now.  There is a lot of work related to of our cells, DNA, atomic energy, semiconductors, nano technology etc. 
Further, with an optimism that, in future, sciences mitigate its side-effects like pollution and global warming, and not produce destructive biological weapons,  I thank you all for listening to me attentively.

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