English, asked by sdadagg4496, 11 months ago

Speech of how we can turn bad friends to good friends


Answered by BeKindAndAlwaysSmile

How to make our Bad Friend into Good Friends (Speech)

In our life, we probably encounter some new friends. As a person, we probably met some new person that we can probably be friend with. But as days go on, we encounter the true colors of our friend. Their are some bad or fake friends that we don't really like. So how to make our Bad friends into Good Friends? We must to treat and respect our bad friends, because "Treat people that your want to be treated." So if you do good to them, they will respect you back. And say nice to your Bad Friends, because they will realize that you are a good person and don't want to fight with them. Because this situation is the same as handling on bully. We must to treat them and say good nice to them in order to make them as a good person.

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