speech on advantages and disadvantage of online classes
Good morning to all of you presented here.
I am ...... of class or .....
I am here to deliver a speech on advantages and disadvantage of online classes.
.....today many children join online classes and they use or misuse the facilities . (contant) .....................
Hope this will help you .
Good morning one and all present here in this Augusta hall , today I xyz want to deliver my speech on advantages and disadvantages of online classes.
Due to this pandemic (covid-19) , our government had taken actions in looking at loss of children's study , they had started online classes , so that they can study .
But as it have many advantages it also has many disadvantages. Parents are forced to buy new phones for their children, people who are poor they can't afford per month network recharge, and they didn't have money to buy a separate phone to their children.
secondly, their are many complaints from the parents , that their children can't get rid of phones because of their online classes.
We should see both advantages and disadvantages about technology how good it is and blablabla.
Last but not the least (give a quote here and end your speech)
Thank you have a cheerful day....
Always face in front , don't speak fast or slow , practice in front of mirror to increase your confidence level. Have a smile on your face , be a good speaker.
Hope this helps you brother or sister...( ꈍᴗꈍ)