speech on adventure sports
No amount of words can adequately convey the thrill of deep sea diving, bungee jumping, water rafting or any other adventure sport for that matter. Man has loved sports that make one’s adrenaline rush since times immemorial. Sometimes, this love to overcome obstacles has come at almost the cost of one’s life.
Animals also take risks but these are usually directly related to their need for survival. Man alone embraces risk for the pleasure of the moment. Man’s addiction to adventure can be best described as an extreme form of wanderlust, the desire to fly like a bird and overcome his human limitations. Life is short and therefore to live it to the full is the need of the hour. Thus one can share the joy of rowing in the company of similar brave hearts across a furious torrent.
Can you even think of escaping the philosophy of the stream, representing the flow of life full of risks, and the men struggling on the boat—with all their protection—represent the brave warriors on the battlefield of life who dare to venture out and explore the perilous seas so that they may discover some virgin land? Lovers of such adventure sports are the ones who never fear the darkness of death.