English, asked by anushka6367, 1 year ago

speech on brothers day​


Answered by kamya125

Oh brother! Have you got a boy sibling that drives you a bit crazy, but you love to bits anyway? Brother’s Day exists to celebrate that weird bond!The bond between siblings is naturally very strong. Growing up together, getting into trouble, playing games together, the competitiveness between you. Perhaps you have just one brother, perhaps you have lots – today, it’s time to reflect on the ways in which your sibling has enriched your life.

Brothers might not be as inclined as sisters when it comes down to hugging, sending flowers, or even remember about celebrations altogether. How many birthdays have you remembered at the last minute and had to arrange an on-the-spot gift?

Of course, this does not mean that you value less the people around you. However, you can save yourself from embarrassment by just adding a quick tick to your calendar. This trick might even make you look amazing when you remember about Brother’s Day before your forgetful siblings!

Answered by viveklexi1

Brothers are the best beings in the world.

Brother is a person we can rely on and he necessarily does not need to be biological. Today, on the occasion of brother’s day, I would like to thank all the brothers of the world for having taken care of their siblings and shining the name, ‘Brother’. We know it is a huge burden to carry. Brothers care for their siblings more than they express. They may fight with their siblings but deep down, they the second their sibling is out of their sight, they will start panicking. Be it Lord Krishna to Devi Subhadra in Mahabharat or Ravana to Supernakha in Ramayana, brothers have been the supporting pillar.


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