English, asked by chandrakarraghunath2, 1 month ago

speech on deforestation​


Answered by abigail348


A warm welcome to all present here. Today I am going to give a speech on deforestation. Deforestation is the process of cutting down the forest, without replanting them again. The causes for deforestation are to obtain wood and fuel or to use the land for farming, mining or construction. From the time of civilization till now, forest wood is very essential for humans in our day to day life.

Forests help in maintaining water cycle, oxygen and carbon dioxide balancing and providing shelter to many species on earth. Forests cover nearly 30% of the earth’s land.  Deforestation results in destroying the habitat for many species of animals and birds, imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the ecosystem, water cycle disruption, climate change, soil erosion, fewer crops, floods and droughts, greenhouse gas effect, etc.

Causes of Deforestation

Agricultural plantations are one of the major causes of deforestation. Demand for commodities like soybeans and palm oil has increased exponentially worldwide. This results in the demand for more land and cutting down trees.

Logging is another big cause of deforestation.  Wood-based industries like match sticks, paper and furniture need an enormous amount of wood. Charcoal and firewood are also useful as fuel. This results in a large part of forests being cut down.

The increase of mining to suffice the rising demand for the mineral is adding to the cause of deforestation. Coal and oil mining need forest land too. Building up of roads, railways and highways need more of these fuels thereby results in cutting down forests.

The ever-rising demand for human habitat puts the pressure on forest land. The overpopulation and the need for house and fuel are escalating the reason for deforestation.

Clearing of the forest for livestock ranching is a contributor to deforestation too. High demand for milk and milk products, meat and eggs results in the push for forest cutting.

Effects of Deforestation

Forests are the lungs of our earth. They absorb carbon dioxide which is emitted by us and gives oxygen in return. Cutting down forests results in decreased levels of oxygen and humidity from the atmosphere. This further results in drying out the tropical rainforest and increase the chances of fire. Therefore climate change is an unavoidable effect of deforestation.

Moist soil, which is nutrient for vegetation, is exposed to heat by the sun when forests are cut down. Thus the drying up of soil and its nutrients results in its erosion with rainwater. Gradually reducing the soil potential and making it barren in the future.

Trees retain the moisture in their roots thereby balancing the ecosystem. When the process is broken by cutting the trees the atmosphere and the water bodies get dried up. Destroying forests affects the atmosphere, water cycle, and water bodies.

80% of the world species belongs to Tropical Rainforest. While destroying the forest, the existence of these species is in danger. This is a great loss of biodiversity.


Educating people around us would create awareness about the negative effects of deforestation. Planting more and more trees and using renewable wood resources can be of great help. Eating less meat or turning vegan would protect the forest from livestock ranching. Reduce and recycle the use of paper. The government must have forest-friendly policies. It shall ban the cutting down of forests.If each one of us pledges today to follow the above steps, then together we can ensure a better future for us and our planet.


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