speech on education
Without it you won't get any job.Everywhere it is necessary that a person who is educated gets job.So,educatin has an immense importance in our life .
- Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.
- A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read.
One who is educated possesses the knowledge and awareness to live life meaningfully in harmony with other humans and the world around.
Through the role that education plays in the mental and intellectual advancement of individuals, it also helps in the physical, emotional and spiritual growth of the persons.
Study and learning transforms the life of a person.
Education is imparted through teachers at various levels in educational institutions.
Education is the backbone of a socially, economically and politically just and strong society.
Through education social disparities and maladies can be wiped out to a great extent.
Injustice against women, the poor, the minorities and the backward can be done away with if all children and youth are afforded education.
Education serves to enlighten people about their rights and duties to society and the nation.
Education can thus help in transforming people individually, and through a cumulative effect, the society.