Speech on education the powerful weapon for changing society
By this way : we can say education the powerful weapon for changing society.
⇒ " Education is the most powerful weapon by which you can change the World " --- Nelson Mandela
⇒ Education is a blessing to humanity and mankind . It removes all social evils from the society , promotes unity , brotherhood , friendship , love which strengthens the human race .
⇒ Education removes economical problems in the country , generates tons of employment , removes sorrow and only promotes happiness and joy
⇒ Education provides knowledge and knowledge is power . It has enough power to stop wars ,hatred , jealousy and provide happiness .
⇒ " Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school " --- Albert Einstein ( my inspiration )
⇒ Truly said by Einstein , education is not mugging up lessons in school , not getting good marks in school , not the efficiency to memorise and apply intelligence but the basic moral values which is instilled in a human by the beauty of the most powerful weapon in the World - education ,
⇒ Education wipes out evil deeds like murder , theft , boosts respect , love and most importantly unity and friendship
⇒ Education says 'gender inequalities , caste differences , race differences ' " Bye Bye ". Education only creates equality and balance .
⇒ Education behaves like the White Blood corpuscles galloping the bacteria ( evil social things ) and protecting our body .
⇒ Nothing can be better than education in terms of saving our planet Earth from the various problems like " Overpopulation " , global warming , etc
⇒ So , it is our responsibility to promote education to the ones who do not get it ! Education is the first condition of a good citizen of our country .
⇒ Education bans and deletes dishonesty , corruption and encourages love and happiness
⇒ Education is hence the most powerful weapon which I believe can shut down nuclear reactors , anti - tank guns with just a negligible effort ............
Hope it helps :-)
Spread education spread the smile ^_^