English, asked by abhinash2680, 1 year ago

speech on effects of lockdow


Answered by ziyanshaikh135


good morning all my dear friends and teachers. Today I will speak on the topic Effects of lockdown..........

lockdown had lead for many problems for poor.and needy people's. But as a good citizen we have to respect our PM and CM advice.the date of lockdown is extending and it has lead for many effects........

firstly it had lead for economic many shopkeepers and workers face loss in economics . ex.many clothseller season of earning money get distroyed also many electrical shops also face loss . due to this lockdown robbery cases had increased.

keeping this in mind we must follow this lockdown with honesty .

after a deep study I recognized that if people will follow the lockdown with honesty the no. of Corona cases will automatically decrease.............

The government is trying there best but they need your support so please support them and follow there advice.

all of them now that it makes difficult staying at home but think about your life......

also due to lockdown people are sending rumours in WhatsApp, Facebook and Twitter.... so please if you found such type of rumours please enquire in police department.......

we all know that some people's are extra ordinary this type of people must be given strict punishment............

so let's come together and fight again Corona ........


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