English, asked by deegu, 1 year ago

speech on good deed reflect good charecter


Answered by Veleria
this is what my heart tells on the given topic

                    it is not important what deeds we do in good times
                    but what good we do in bad times is said to be worthy
it means that the deed that we do when our star's are on ascendance is not reflecting our character but when we are in bad time and doing good things is worthy and correctly reflects our character as we do them from our inner core of heart .

                               i don't know  if its correct for u but i think this is the true meaning of the given topic

Answered by Anonymous
Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destiny. The above quote mentions the importance of one's character in life. Gandhiji said, " if money is lost, nothing is lost, if health is lost , something is lost but if character is lost everything is lost. A person's character is revealed only through his actions. Appearances may be deceptive but a person can't be pretending his entire life. If a person helps others, it reveals his kind nature. If a person behaves rudely, it shows his arrogance. If a person says the truth always, he is being honest. Abraham Lincoln rightly said, " your character is what you are when you are alone ". If a person is of good character, he will do good deeds not only in the presence of strangers but even when he is alone. All children are good when they are born. But because of their habits some become great and some become worse. We must all understand that "we live in deeds not in years". Our deeds reflect our character. Hence it is extremely important that we develop good character to be remembered forever.
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