Speech on Gratitude Day
1 minute speech on gratitude day
Once upon a time two angels went from heaven to the earth with two huge baskets to collect the prayers of people.One basket was labelled requests and the other thanks.When the angels return to god , the basket of requests was full and overflowing; but the basket of thanks was almost empty.
Dear friends, the lesson is quite clear.An attitude of gratitude is often absent.The lack of a thank full heart may be the root cause of many human illness as well.
let me out two points:
Firstly,an attitude of gratitude means you to learn to count your blessings in life.When you do so you will find that they far outnumber the difficulties or problems you face in life .Moreover it gives you a joyous heart as well.
You can be thankful for the gifts of life,your parents,home and school,your teachers,relatives and friends,for the clothes you wear ,the food you eat and the place you live in.The list is endless.
Secondly,an attitude of gratitude helps you value simple joys of life.You may not have the latest gadgets to play with.Instead a thankful heart will help you to be content and satisfied in whatever situation you find yourself in.
A thankful heart will value people more than things,it will value a smile more than riches,it will find joy in giving than grabbing,and it will hold on to the hope even when life's ship moves in troubled waters.
Above all,there is one more reason to be thankful .God loved the world very much and so gave such a wonderful family to each ,interesting friends, teachers ,relatives,etc.Therefore,"thanks to the god for his indescribable gifts!"
To include,let me say that a heart of gratitude brings joy to god's heart and makes you richer than all billionaries!
Thank you!