Speech on "growing population - Hurdle to India's development"
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Hi Friend,
Here is your answer,
Day-by-Day it is becoming a serious issue overpopulation or growing population. Increase in population puts pressure on finite resources and their utilization. As major section of people depends upon agriculture, it leads to under-utilization of human resources.When population increases, it has to be provided with a corresponding increase in basic amenities such as food, clothing, housing, hospitals, educational institutions, drinking water. Naturally a rise in population may lead to difficulties for the government to provide facilities for all. It also raises the demand of goods and services and more employment opportunities.
However, a large number of people are poor and illiterate. Their basic need are not being met. Under the existing condition of our economy, it cannot be said that the vast masses of people growing out of proportion to our resources are really an asset to the country.The national activities in free India are directed to the task of providing adequate means of livelihood to an increasing number of people through an integrated development of agriculture, trade, commerce and industries. The schemes adopted for this purpose cannot materialize unless the population problem is tackled satisfactorily.
Over population is a hindrance in the path of India’s economic development. Family planning awareness should be sown among the younger generations. Use of contraceptives should be encouraged. Smaller families contribute to the well being of the individual as well as to India’s economy. India’s vast population puts a lot of stress on the economic infrastructure. It is high time that we Indians took measures to control this escalating population for the progress of our economy, our country.
As the population rises, so will poverty. Being a developing country, the increasing growth rate is dragging India into a vicious cycle of population and poverty, which leads to a development trap. This further increases other problems like illiteracy, unemployment and inflation. Eradication of poverty is a very long-term goal in India.
Hope it helps you!!!
Here is your answer,
Day-by-Day it is becoming a serious issue overpopulation or growing population. Increase in population puts pressure on finite resources and their utilization. As major section of people depends upon agriculture, it leads to under-utilization of human resources.When population increases, it has to be provided with a corresponding increase in basic amenities such as food, clothing, housing, hospitals, educational institutions, drinking water. Naturally a rise in population may lead to difficulties for the government to provide facilities for all. It also raises the demand of goods and services and more employment opportunities.
However, a large number of people are poor and illiterate. Their basic need are not being met. Under the existing condition of our economy, it cannot be said that the vast masses of people growing out of proportion to our resources are really an asset to the country.The national activities in free India are directed to the task of providing adequate means of livelihood to an increasing number of people through an integrated development of agriculture, trade, commerce and industries. The schemes adopted for this purpose cannot materialize unless the population problem is tackled satisfactorily.
Over population is a hindrance in the path of India’s economic development. Family planning awareness should be sown among the younger generations. Use of contraceptives should be encouraged. Smaller families contribute to the well being of the individual as well as to India’s economy. India’s vast population puts a lot of stress on the economic infrastructure. It is high time that we Indians took measures to control this escalating population for the progress of our economy, our country.
As the population rises, so will poverty. Being a developing country, the increasing growth rate is dragging India into a vicious cycle of population and poverty, which leads to a development trap. This further increases other problems like illiteracy, unemployment and inflation. Eradication of poverty is a very long-term goal in India.
Hope it helps you!!!
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Increasing Population
Hurdle to India's development
Presently, India is the second largest populated country in the world. India represents 17% of the total world's population with more than 1150000000 people. Every nook and corner of India is clean display of increasing population. Whether wenare in a metro station, airport, railway station, road, highway, bus stop, shopping mall, market or even a social/religious gathering, we see a swelling crowd of any time of the day.
This is a horrible scenario and a clear indication of over population in the country. Too much population is trapping people in a web of poverty and illiteracy which further escalate the problem for country. Population explosion is the mother of all evils in our country.
Poverty, diseases, violence, unemployment, pollution are some of the evils that provide obstacles to the county's progress. Various studies have projected that India will become the world's most populous country, surpassing China by 2025. Family planning and welfare programmes and population policies have not yielded the desired result and population is on the increase putting extra burden on our limited infrastructure and negating whatever progress we have achieved.
Let us look at some of the major causes of population explosion in India
✮The difference b/w birth rate and death rate is one of the reason. Though, according to 2011 census, birth rate has actually come down but this has been neutralised by fast declining death rates due to better sanitation and health facilities. Coupled with this life expectancy has also increased to 64 years. The medical boon has brought the curse of over population.
✮Even though, legally the marriageable age of girl is 18 years, the concept of early marriage still prevails at many places. Getting married at an young age prolongs the child bearing age as well as illiteracy also helps in increasing the population.
✮The old cultural norm of sons as the bread earners of the families in India puts considerable pressure on the parents to produce children till a male child is born.
✮Poverty is another factor for the rapid growth of population. Poor families have this notion that the number of members in the family, the more will be the numbers of persons to earn income. Thus, it increases the population.
✮We cannot ignore the fact that illegal migration is continuously taking place from Bangladesh, Nepal leading to increased population density of India.
✮Another factor that encourages growth rate is religion. Some communities consider any mandate or satutory method of prohibition to be sacrilegious. India, being a secular state, it cannot exercise any check or restraint on religious grounds.
✮Illiteracy is another cause of over population. Educated persons are more aware of the family planning concepts and understand the impact of over population on the society. On the other hand, illiterate people are either unaware about the birth control methods or are unwilling to dicuss about it. Uneducated people are not aware of adverse effects of too many people in a family.
Even after 68 years of independence, the scenario of India is not good, due to over population. It has become a threat for the development in India. The growth of population has a direct effect on the living standards of people. This is why, despite our spectacular progress in the agricultural and industrial spheres since independence, our per capita income has not risen appreciably.
Some major impacts of high population are as follows
✯The rapidly growing population in India has led to the problem of shortage of food supply. Inspite of the fact that more than 60% of its population engaged in agriculture, people do not get even minimum necessary amount of food.
✯Over population inevitably leads to heavy pressure on land. Since land is limited and fixed in supply, an increase in population can only bring more pressure on it.
✯Generating employment for a huge population in a country like India is very difficult. The number of illiterate people are increasing every year.
✯Development of infrastructure facilities is unfortunately not keeping pace with the growth of population. The result is lack of transportation, communication, housing, education, healthcare etc.
✯In the face of an increasing population, there is an unequal distribution of income and inequalities within the country widen.
✯Unmanageable population size may contribute to political instability and unrest. The failure of the government to provide the basic minimum facilities to the people contributes to agitation and unrest among the masses.
✯Economic development is bound to be slower to be slower in a country in which the population is growing at a very fast rate. Absence of savings results in low capital formation.
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Hurdle to India's development
Presently, India is the second largest populated country in the world. India represents 17% of the total world's population with more than 1150000000 people. Every nook and corner of India is clean display of increasing population. Whether wenare in a metro station, airport, railway station, road, highway, bus stop, shopping mall, market or even a social/religious gathering, we see a swelling crowd of any time of the day.
This is a horrible scenario and a clear indication of over population in the country. Too much population is trapping people in a web of poverty and illiteracy which further escalate the problem for country. Population explosion is the mother of all evils in our country.
Poverty, diseases, violence, unemployment, pollution are some of the evils that provide obstacles to the county's progress. Various studies have projected that India will become the world's most populous country, surpassing China by 2025. Family planning and welfare programmes and population policies have not yielded the desired result and population is on the increase putting extra burden on our limited infrastructure and negating whatever progress we have achieved.
Let us look at some of the major causes of population explosion in India
✮The difference b/w birth rate and death rate is one of the reason. Though, according to 2011 census, birth rate has actually come down but this has been neutralised by fast declining death rates due to better sanitation and health facilities. Coupled with this life expectancy has also increased to 64 years. The medical boon has brought the curse of over population.
✮Even though, legally the marriageable age of girl is 18 years, the concept of early marriage still prevails at many places. Getting married at an young age prolongs the child bearing age as well as illiteracy also helps in increasing the population.
✮The old cultural norm of sons as the bread earners of the families in India puts considerable pressure on the parents to produce children till a male child is born.
✮Poverty is another factor for the rapid growth of population. Poor families have this notion that the number of members in the family, the more will be the numbers of persons to earn income. Thus, it increases the population.
✮We cannot ignore the fact that illegal migration is continuously taking place from Bangladesh, Nepal leading to increased population density of India.
✮Another factor that encourages growth rate is religion. Some communities consider any mandate or satutory method of prohibition to be sacrilegious. India, being a secular state, it cannot exercise any check or restraint on religious grounds.
✮Illiteracy is another cause of over population. Educated persons are more aware of the family planning concepts and understand the impact of over population on the society. On the other hand, illiterate people are either unaware about the birth control methods or are unwilling to dicuss about it. Uneducated people are not aware of adverse effects of too many people in a family.
Even after 68 years of independence, the scenario of India is not good, due to over population. It has become a threat for the development in India. The growth of population has a direct effect on the living standards of people. This is why, despite our spectacular progress in the agricultural and industrial spheres since independence, our per capita income has not risen appreciably.
Some major impacts of high population are as follows
✯The rapidly growing population in India has led to the problem of shortage of food supply. Inspite of the fact that more than 60% of its population engaged in agriculture, people do not get even minimum necessary amount of food.
✯Over population inevitably leads to heavy pressure on land. Since land is limited and fixed in supply, an increase in population can only bring more pressure on it.
✯Generating employment for a huge population in a country like India is very difficult. The number of illiterate people are increasing every year.
✯Development of infrastructure facilities is unfortunately not keeping pace with the growth of population. The result is lack of transportation, communication, housing, education, healthcare etc.
✯In the face of an increasing population, there is an unequal distribution of income and inequalities within the country widen.
✯Unmanageable population size may contribute to political instability and unrest. The failure of the government to provide the basic minimum facilities to the people contributes to agitation and unrest among the masses.
✯Economic development is bound to be slower to be slower in a country in which the population is growing at a very fast rate. Absence of savings results in low capital formation.
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