Speech on history & legend for asl
10 answers · History
Best Answer
History is a factfile of past events relating to ancient people, their culture, tradition, customs and the various sociopolitical aspects happening from times immemorial, which draws its roots to the social fabric of the present days society.
Whereas, legends are primarily based on myths, i.e., half truth and half lie in order to mystify the historical truth. Human nature has certain weaknesses and the most dangerous one is that the superstitious people of olden times were more or less raconteurs and took great interest and joy in mystifying past figures of historical importance. These figures may be their army generals, emperors, kings or spiritual people like prophets and apostles. Gradually, simple people forming the masses would make it their forte to mention the legendary figures with great awe and fascination.
so today's topic is history and legend.this topic looks very interesting.i am not a lover of history but still i will try to write this speech.
i usually start all my essays and speeches with quotes but in this case i will start with some very simple and common questions.
my first and foremost question would be:
what do we mean by history?
the definition of history is actually the past events and works which has led to a great change of this world.according to me this should be the perfect definition for the word 'history'.
now the question is :
what do we mean by legend?
legends are also called as mythologies. i would say that the stories of the past which are very famous are known as legends.they may be true or just false stories.
history and legend:
history and legend are very much related to each other.the historians are just people like us.they are not god.they an study the things found which belonged to the past.but they cannot very very sure that all the events that they make out are true.the events that they are not sure about that they are true or not , these events are called legends.
so as a fact history and legend are related to each other to a great extent.
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